Nursing Metaparadigm Philosophy

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In my preliminary philosophy of nursing I will articulate my beliefs, assumptions, and values related to the four metaparadigm concepts: nursing, health, person, and environment. First I will discuss the nursing aspect of the metaparadigm. I believe that nursing is a collaborative process of healing, advocacy, health promotion, and education. Nurses are the main advocates for patients because they spend the most amount of time with them and are most familiar with their health status/case. An assumption that I take for granted as true is that nursing professionals have one of the biggest impacts in the health of patients. Since nurses do routine vitals and administer medications they are responsible for noticing change in the health status of the patients, whether it be negative or positive, and reporting these changes to the physician. Lastly, a value that I …show more content…

Nursing is considered both an art and a science. In the specialty of art, a portrait is unique because the artist paints with their own technique and style. Therefore, it is impossible to replicate an exact piece of work. This is analogous to a patient because you cannot reproduce a patient’s case; their illness is unique (specific) to their physiology and impacted by environmental influences. On the other hand, nursing is a science because knowledge of the human anatomical and physiological structure is necessary to understand illness and disease. Nursing care has significantly improved because of research that is being completed all around the work. Without science, the field of nursing would not exist and we would not know how microorganisms behave or how to treat patients properly. As mentioned earlier, nursing is a process and not merely a product. Nurses must go step by step through the “nursing process” to achieve patient-centered quality care. If nursing were not a process, then deadly mistakes can be