Explain The Four Metaparadigms Of Nursing

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Part 1: Metaparadigms of Nursing
Nursing is both science and art. It is a science in that nurses must undergo training to practice as a nurse. Included in this is how to complete assessments, administer medications, function within their organization, and much more. On the other hand, nursing is considered an art. It is more than knowing; it is doing. It is putting the elements learned, or science together and providing patient-centered care to a unique population of patients. Every patient is different. The ultimate goal is to provide the best care possible to all patients to improve their outcome. Many nursing theories have been developed to improve the outcome for patients. “Nursing philosophy and knowledge development …show more content…

There is training involved for nurses to be able to practice within healthcare. Also, nursing is considered an art as it is more than knowing, it is doing. It is going above and beyond to care for our patients and families. We must also remember the goal. The goal is to provide the best care possible to administer patient-centered care to everyone. Within this is the four metaparadigms of nursing. They include the nurse, who is assessing and providing care to the patient and their families, the patient, their heath, and the environment in which they live. As nurses, if we can get the concepts discussed within the metaparadigms of nursing, we will have the concepts associated with caring down as well.

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