Nursing: The Importance Of Evidence Based Practice

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The field of nursing science has been evolving with great speed and nursing knowledge has been transforming into clinical practice. However, Stevens (2013) indicated for meaningful impact on performance and better patient health outcomes, new knowledge must be implemented effectively across the entire care team within a systems context, and measurable terms. Furthermore, the Future of Nursing report from the IOM, 2011a, recommended that nurses lead interprofessional teams in improving delivery systems and care brings to the fore the necessity for new competencies, beyond evidence-based practice (EBP), that are requisite as nurses transform healthcare ( as cited in Stevens, 2013). Evidence-based practice has been and will continue to be one of the most important method that will shape advanced practice nursing environment. Knowledge translation has been facilitating the effective and timely incorporation of evidence-based information into the practices of health professionals in a way as to effect optimal health care outcomes and maximize the potential of the health care system ( as cited in Sudsawad, 2007). The age of informatics has excelerated the nursing evolution by providing insights and opportunities to improve health outcomes by the application of mathematics, engineering, information science, and related social sciences such …show more content…

(2012). The role of public health informatics in enhancing public surveillance. Public Health Informatics and Technology Program Office, CDC, Office of Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services. Atlanta, GA.

Stevens, K. (2013). The Impact of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and the Next Big Ideas. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 18 (2). DOI: 10.3912 OJIN.Vol18No02Man04.

Sudsawad, P. (2007). Knowledge translation: Introduction to models, strategies, and measures.Austin, TX: Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, National Center for the Dissemination of Disability