Obesity In America Essay

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Fast food is believed to be the main cause of obesity in America, while fast food is considered unhealthy, it isn't the main cause of obesity. There are many documentaries criticizing fast food and make people think that, if you continue to eat fast food, you will be obese. There are many different reasons why people are obese such as, genetics, lack of exercise, and overeating.
Genetics play a big role in obesity, there are people who are just born obese, no matter how healthy they are, how much they eat, or how much exercise they do, they will always be overweight due to their genes, also if their family has suffered from being obese, chances are they will be obese as well. The way people live these days can also be a reason why they are obese. …show more content…

There is a well known documentary called Super Size Me that shows how Morgan Spurlock does a month long experiment where he has a "three-meal-a-day binge at McDonald’s fast food restaurants"(Dangl). Before the experiment, "Spurlock was in great shape, according to a physical examination."(Morales) "In one month while doing this, Morgan Spurlock ate the same amount of McDonald’s food that nutritionists recommend eating over the course of eight years and gains nearly twenty-five pounds in the process, he had a lot of health problems doing this experiment."(Morales) "It took Spurlock almost a year of dieting and exercising to go back to his original weight"(Dangl). John Cisna proved Morgan Spurlocks experiment wrong by also eating nothing but Mcdonalds for six months and losing weight in the process as well. "For 540 straight meals, John Cisna says he kept his promise, with a diet consisting of only McDonald's, adhering to certain calorie limits, and a routine marked by regular exercise. Half a year later, he emerged 56 pounds

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