Odyssey Research Paper

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Though not much is known about Homer and the life that he lived, he is credited with writing down two of the most epic stories, the Iliad and the Odyssey.
The Iliad and the Odyssey are credited as two poems that continue to shape western culture. Homer, a sort of mystical person, some scholars believe him to be one person while others think that these iconic tales were created by a group of individuals. The reason for this is that storytelling was considered an oral tradition, Homer was credited with the tales, reciting them from memory.
The problem with recalling information on arguably the most influential person to date is that there was no chronological dating system. In those times, it was hard to give someone an actual birth date without …show more content…

Countless attempts have been expressed to give a personality and life to such a writer with little to no background information.
One thing that may hold some truth is the evidence of the dialect and his familiarity with Thrace, mentioned in the Iliad and the Odyssey. The Iliad and the Odyssey were written in what is now considered Asiatic Greek. That fact coupled with the strong northwest winds from the direction of Thrace lays a foundation that he may have been from that area.
Though most of his life remains a mystery, the lasting effects of his epic tales continues to shape the world as we know it today.
All that we really know is that this amazing poet wrote two beautiful epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey. These two poems defined Greek culture and continue to do so to this very day. The Iliad was a famed story of the end of The Trojan War, where Paris kidnaps Helen, and Agamemnon, and other famed characters, pursues Paris in Troy. The main point around the Iliad was the anger of Agamemnon, arguing the main focus of the poem, war and peace. There is a sense of viciousness and futility built in to this poem, giving a great basis of heroism and the honor that stems from