
Of Mice And Men Intelligent Quotes

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What do you think it means to be intelligent? Being intelligent means having self-awareness and understanding, using logic and critical thinking, and having the ability to learn. This is shown in the novel by Delia Owens, Where the Crawdads Sing, John Stienbecks novella, Of Mice and Men, and Richard Connell’s fictional short story, “The Most Dangerous Game”.
In the book Where the Crawdads Sing, Kya uses her intelligence all throughout her life to survive on her own in the marsh. In the following quote, “It seemed that now, Kya being more vulnerable than ever, was reason to trust others even less. Standing in the most fragile place of her life, she turned to the only net she knew-herself”(Owens 285), Kya shows how she is intelligent because she knows better than to rely on anyone else to take care of her. She taught herself how to cook her own meals and she figured out how to get a source of income by writing books and collecting mussels. Another big thing that she did that requires being intelligent is when she got away with killing …show more content…

Lennie was not very intelligent. He would constantly get in trouble by saying or doing the wrong things or messing with the wrong people. George had to act intelligent because he had to make a hard decision and kill Lennie because he knew it was the only way to keep him safe and he knew if he didn’t do it then the other workers would so he figured he would at least be the one to do it and make sure Lennie died happy. From this quote in the book, ”Well, jus forget it, I didn’ mean it. Jus’ foolin’. I wouldn’ want to go no place like that”(Stienback 83), Crooks is talking about how he wouldn’t work on free land and doing jobs. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to do it, he just knew that as a black man he would never live a fair life where he got to live

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