
Of Mice And Men Quote Analysis

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Of Mice and Men is primarily a book about two migrant workers, who jump from one job to another every now and again so they can survive everyday life. But to get into a little bit how the book goes starting off with the main characters. George and Lennie, face various situations where Lennie unpredictably and dangerously gets into problems that he can not get himself out of; which is where his partner George comes in who leads him in the correct direction. But unfortunately, as many know, all journeys must end sooner or later. That being said, Of Mice and Men depicts that all violence and mistakes in life are inescapable. Over parts of the book, Lennie faces many instances where he doesn’t learn after killing multiple small or baby animals …show more content…

The first quote supporting this is, “Jus wanted to feel that girls dress-jus’ wanted to pet it like it was a mouse” (11). This quote heavily shows that Lennie can be a pretty ignorant guy, and just to clarify what ignorant means; it’s lacking knowledge or awareness in general. This really applies to the quotes explained in earlier paragraphs that Lennie isn’t aware of what he is doing all the time. This quote occurred earlier in the book in the beginning and is why George and Lennie are mostly on the run in the first place, George had went somewhere to take care of some business and told Lennie to hangout where he was at, in which he did, but a woman who is a stranger approaches and Lennie, not knowing exactly what the girl feels, but he reaches for her soft and shiny dress, just like Curley’s wife, Lennie made the woman uncomfortable and felt fear so she started screaming for help that Lennie is trying to rape her, in which Lennie’s explanation was that her dress reminded him of a mouse and he just wanted to feel it like it was a mouse, so the law chase after and get search parties after George and Lennie ever since that incident. Moving onto the next quote, “Well, that girl rushes in an’ tells the law she been raped. The guys in Weed start a party out to lynch Lennie” (42). This quote relates to the first one of how Lennie’s ignorant decision of feeling the woman’s dress affected their whole future lifes. For some context, Weed is the town that this incident took place in. So Lennie’s attraction to feeling soft things and liking pretty clothing or jewelry, he will always unfortunately reside in being a man who is simply a walking problem and even a nuisance to George and his future employee’s due to his ignorance. Now moving on to the last quote of this essay, “And what do I got? I got you! You can't keep a job and you lose me every job I get” (11). This quote is George

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