
Old Navy Swot Analysis

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1a. The use of an intranet is important to any, or all businesses that have any type if inventory system and multiple locations. An intranet is a network of communication on the internet that is restricted to only those with specific access. For example, I work for Old Navy and we have an online system that is only available through the computers in the store and warehouses. It gives us the ability to scan in any item and see how many we have in our particular store and how many are available in the closest 8 locations; this information is pulled from our inventory network. From this system, I can locate an item for a customer that we may not have in their size in our store and get it to them. Since this system is only available internally …show more content…

Old Navy has an extranet system that customers can go online and access. If they make a purchase online, when the customer sends the information for the purchase (i.e. email address, credit card information, physical address), it is securely sent to the company in encrypted form. This system also gives the customer the ability to make a profile, which gives them the opportunity to see sales and promotions before the general public. From this system, Old Navy creates a strong customer relationship. It sets up a direct connection from store to customer. This is strategically beneficial to the company because if a customer continues to see sales, promotions, and other benefits of shopping Old Navy, online and in-store, there is a loyalty that is built. This can eventually come to the point where Old Navy is the go-to store for a customer, which is the goal for any company in this situation. Another example of this would be an electricity company that has an online billing system. A customer that has access to their account online is permitted that access through the company’s verification system, usually a series of combined personal information (i.e. social security number, phone number, account number) as well as a password set up by the customer. This is a major benefit for both the company and the customer. This saves both time and money for both parties. There is no need for printed paper bills to be mailed out, or payments to be mailed in. There is also no need for a …show more content…

Network topology is the arrangement of the parts of a computer networks, like links and nodes. It is important for a business employee to understand network topology because it can affect performance. If an employee understands his business’ network topology, he is able to quickly and efficiently utilize the network. Under the circumstances that the network is failing or having complications, knowledge of the network topology helps to troubleshoot those issues. Network protocols are the rules, standards, and policies that define communication between devices over a network. There are different types of systems throughout the world of computers. An example would be Window, Linux, and Mac. These all need a way to communicate even if they’re all from different companies. For employee to fully and efficiently utilize communication systems, understanding the use of network protocols and the importance of them is key. Without network protocols, communications could be lost or confused. A TCP/IP address is a series of numbers and letters separated by periods that is unique to its own device. It’s used to identify a computer as its own entity in the use of network communications. This is important for a business employee to understand because a devices IP address is the key in things like web connectivity and file storage. Both begin with a connection to an IP address. The management of an IP address allows admins to track assets, eliminate network conflicts and protect network

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