One More To The Lake By E. B White Analysis

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One More to the Lake by E.B. White seemed to be factual and sentimental. In the first few paragraphs, I thought One More to the Lake was going to be sentimental. It seemed to be a reflection of the speakers camping trips with his father. This part reminded me of the camping trips I used to go on with my family. Like the speaker, we always went to the same campground a week after school ended. Since we have not gone camping in a long time, I assume that I would have to same reaction and wonder how time altered several locations that I have memorised. However, as the story goes on, it begins to sound like a statement of everything he remembers and comparing it to the current trip with his son. Oddly, I felt unsettled after I realized this. The story felt anxious and uneasy. …show more content…

He discusses his troubles of bed-wetting and later he mentions that he had gotten beat twice for wetting the bed. Later on, it is revealed that the two administrative figures of St Cyprian’s, Sambo and Flip, favored students with more money. Unfortunately for the speaker, he attended the school on reduced fees since his family did not have a lot of money. Before this point, I had thought the story was more sentimental since it appeared as if the speaker was going through a very difficult time in his life. However, I began to realize that there seemed to be very little emotion in any of his statements. The only sentimental parts were when he brought up things that he described as “wicked” or “evil”. I am unable to relate to this story as I was able to with the previous one. I had not experienced favoritism due to the amount of money my parents make, nor have I been denied because of the amount of money they make. I could only feel bad for the speaker. He had to deal with a lot of adversity over something he had no control