Edward Thorndike's Law Of Effect Essay

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Children learn through encouragement and praise rather than punishment.

What is Science?
Science is a systematic and logical approach to discovering how thing in the universe works.
Edward Thorndike’s Law of Effect states:
“Behaviour that is followed by pleasant consequences is like to occur again and any behaviour that is followed by unpleasant consequences is likely to stop occurring”. – Edward Thorndike.
Edward Thorndike was a Beaviourist and worked on his theory that leads to the development of Operant Conditioning within Behaviourism. Operant Conditioning involves learning from the consequences of our Behaviour.
Thorndike’s theory simply means to achieve good behaviour and learning one must first present …show more content…

Not letting personal issues or problems get into their school life is important to do so. Children are keen at noticing attitude changes in adult and their behaviour. Teachers are responsible for creating a positive learning environment that allows for pupils to be involved in a full science experience. Within the positive environment teachers need to model a positive behaviour to make learning fun. This is a simple way for pupils to learn and to motivate them, making science come alive and make it more real. It is only fair for teachers to allow his/her pupils to explore and discover for themselves because this way learning has more meaning. Teachers are there to encourage and support pupils during learning and to be there to show them right from wrong. Punishment is not the way. Encouraging pupils and rewarding them when a good act is done boosts self-esteem and self-confidence which helps pupils to do a good act again. On the other hand, punishment will stop learning because pupils will be afraid of the teacher if he/she isn’t sure about what he/she has to do and pupils will be scared to approach a teacher with any problem. Pupil need to know that teachers are there to facilitate learning and help them to achieve skills. This way pupils will show his/her true self and will not hide behind colleagues. Teachers essentially rewards pupils for good behaviour and approach them quietly about unacceptable behaviour …show more content…

Ways teachers can motivate pupils to love Science?
- Make learning FUN! Create stories that capture pupil’s interest. For example, use pictures and makes them come alive by storytelling.
- Teachers should create interesting, dramatic and jaw dropping introductions to lesson so as to capture and maintain their pupils interest. This way they would develop a liking for Science.
- The usage of technology is becoming more common in schools and any teacher who incorporates technology into any lesson will make that lesson memorable. This way pupils will gather and analyze data more efficiently and effectively.
- One of the major goals a teacher should have is to help pupil develop skills and attributes in a Science class. It is important to know that Science is a core subject that entails history and geography, just to name a few. From science pupils develop an understanding of history and how science developed as well as aspects of geography.