Opinion: The Case Against Vegetarianism

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Just how vegetarians do not want to harm the naive animals, people do not want to harm innocent fetuses. Abortion is one of the most controversial issues today. The arguments based off of the question, when in development is the fetus considered a human being. Abortion is either okay or it is not. The two stands on this topic is believing abortion is okay believing it is not a human yet ergo killing the baby or not okay by respecting the right to life by giving the fetus rights. There are many loopholes in this topic such as what if the woman was raped or why kill an innocent human being. The vegetarian diet becomes controversial when each supporter believes their diet beats one over the other. The two stances of vegetarianism are the diet …show more content…

He appeals to the audience by people limiting their meat intake instead of eliminating it completely. Vegetarians think fulfilling their diet with soy products helps in order for their essential protein needs but in reality Coogan believes there are no other health or environmental problems that non-meat products may cause. He supports this argument by saying that it is much more easier to slaughter an animal than essentially raising specific crops to feed the animals if they are just going to be killed. Coogan uses a tone that not only disagrees with the topic but commends those who support it in order for no one to be offended. He views vegetarianism as a major restriction on someone’s life. This article is very effective by creating the idea of restriction on a person’s mind saying a vegetarian diet limits your options to food. The purpose of this article against vegetarianism underlies an important point of the conditions of animals on farms. Not eating meat means animals are being saved and not killed. Animals being killed to support the human race are dying off in population themselves. This supports the idea of less harmed animals bring into the less demand of meat wanted. The belief of a meat-eater being morally wrong has been developed because why cross the line between humans and animals when animals have rights too. Go back to the beginning of time when most of our ancestors were herbivores and never knew how to hunt, what if we never knew how