Opposing Views On Euthanasia And Abortion

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Each culture is confronted with an issue of dictating to be for or against life. Moreover, the society we are currently raising cannot avoid acknowledging the question of on which view it stands, that of life or that of death? Euthanasia and Abortions are two similar procedures that an individual may wish to choose, both resulting in death. First, both are judged to be morally erroneous, second, both are essential to the continuing discussion over what life is all about. They both have caused a considerable amount of controversy amongst people and their morals and beliefs. From the viewpoint of the Catholic church, it pronounces that human life is pure and that the dignity of the person is the source of a moral judgment of society. Quoted from …show more content…

Firstly, I agree that someone should have the option to end their life when there aren't any other alternatives. As mentioned in the sixth commandment; 'thou shall not kill' is taught among all Catholic preachers to preserve our life. Life is a gift from God, not something to be tampered with. This also relates to the same viewpoint of Muslim, Buddhism, Shinto, Islam, Christianity and many more beliefs. They all share the same perspective of the Catholics on Euthanasia. The arguments are regularly based on the beliefs that life is given by God, and that human beings are made in God's image. Some churches also emphasise the value of not meddling with the natural process of death. The idea of Euthanasia has been a controversial issue since its initiation. The argument is often presented that, as people have the right to live with dignity, they also have the right to die with dignity. It is difficult to deny the right of a 92-year-old with terminal cancer, and virtually no family and friends left, to commit suicide or ask for assisted death. In this case, he or she both has the right and will be on the right if applying that right. It all depends on the circumstances and entitlement. The Bible, however, firmly states that euthanasia is wrong. Many people are generally taught to believe that all life is given by God and therefore should be respected and that only God has control over death. According to the Bible, interfering with the natural process of death is damaging and

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