Organizational Behavior In Health Care Essay

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Organizational Behavior in Health Care
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Organizational Behavior in Health Care Employee motivation refers to the energy, commitment and the innovation that the workforce of any given company brings to their jobs (Damij et al, 2015). It is worth noting that in the current competitive economy and business arena, ways of motivating employees remains to the primary concern of any firm or company management. The above continues to be a priority for many businesses regardless of whether the economy is growing or shrinking. Some theories point out to employee involvement (participation and provision of incentives as strategies for motivating employees. It is imperative to bear in mind that motivated employees are more committed to their jobs, work harder to meet the company’s principal objective and are more productive as than the demotivated employees (Damij, et al., 2015). In the case study 5-4 provided, two major theories of motivation are reflected. These include the two-factor theory and the ERG theory. The two-factorial theory is …show more content…

In the case study above two major theories are reflected. These include ERG theory and the two-factor theory.

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