
Organizational Chart Paper

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At the top my school’s organizational chart is the Superintendent and School Board who ultimately oversee all schools in the Regional School Unit. The principal oversees my school and has two assistant principals. There is two administrative assistants and a receptionist in the main office who assist administration with their tasks. Under the principal, there is an Athletic Director who supervises coaches and a Special Education/504 Coordinator who oversees the school’s Special Education programs. The principal has also formed a Leadership Team consisting of administration, the Special Education/504 Coordinator, Director of Guidance, and five teachers (one from each academic department). Each department is also led by a teacher called an Academic Coordinator who helps facilitate information between the teachers of the department and administration and controls the budget for the department. The vast majority of the staff, the …show more content…

You can see the bureaucratic perspective when looking at the hierarchy of the school. The school has one principal and two assistant principals, who, along with other responsibilities, must evaluate every teacher every school year. With a bureaucratic approach the administrator’s role is to closely supervise and evaluate the staff (Owens & Valesky, 2011, p. 15). Another example of the bureaucratic approach is the how new supervisory positions have been added over the years. Those would include two assistant principals, a Special Education/504 Coordinator, an Athletic Director, a Director of Guidance, and five Academic Coordinators. All these new positions are intended to handle the problems that arise in the school. In addition, assistant principals’ roles include developing and updating many of the rules and procedures the school uses, such as curriculum maps, the school’s Program of Studies, duty schedules, and the staff

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