
Other Theories Rationale For Using Or Not Using In Interdisciplinary Curriculum

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Theory Overview Similarities with Other Theories Differences from Other Theories Rationale for Using or not Using in Interdisciplinary Curriculum
Herbartianism Herbartianism curriculum was very focused on the child and education for all students. Additionally, Herbartianism had a very strong belief that every child had learning potential, as well as the belief that everyone is born with a blank slate (Ivie, 2007). Furthermore, teachers were instructed to give academic instruction in a way that apperception could take place. Specifically, apperception was when knowledge could be assimilated to prior information as new knowledge was incorporated into the lesson. Herbartianism theory was child centered which is similar to the theorist of the Progressive Reform movement, which was child-centered as well, but they put further emphasis preparing these students for future endeavors of vocational roles (Weiler, 2004). …show more content…

The Herbartianism curriculum had a scientific approach. Specifically, the approach consisted of preparation, presentation, association, generalization and application (Ivie, 2007). Specifically, teachers used this guided instruction through logical organizational subject matter application, as they controlled both pace and content (Ivie, 2007). Herbartianism curriculum theory is adaptable in the interdisciplinary curriculum by utilizing the referenced scientific approach present through preparing, presenting, associating, generalizing and applying the information as the student proceeds through the lessons (Ivie, 2007). Additional, the belief that all children have potential is a significant theme (Ivie,

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