Outliers Reflection

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This book is a great novel for an English – 92 class. It gives various topics to discuss, which helps with critical thinking. Overall, I would recommend this book. I think that is interesting and it has many points to discuss and insight and how you should analyze and question how things get to a point. How we reach success and how we define it. We can assume that people work hard and gain success because that’s how our ideals are not our realities. This book has help strengthen my critical thinking skills as well as reading skills. I make sure to question and evaluate what I am reading and how things get set in motion to become successful.
In the book Outliers, it was discussed that The Matthew Effect is essentially “For unto everyone that …show more content…

The idea is that if you are successful meaning, coming from wealthy families, have a talent where you excel at, or just being a genius. Then you will get more of everything due to a previous factor that you have no control over. That wasn’t realized it has to do with your success, yet it can be one of the major keys of why you are successful. In the book, they used the example of Bill Joy a computer legend. Who was only able to help create a code we still use today because he knew how to cheat the computer lab to give him unlimited computer time to program. Which leads me to the next interesting topic I found in this novel. The 10,000 hour rule, which is that if you want to reach mastery level of whatever skill, hobby, or subject. You need 10,000 hours of practice to get to this level. When reading this novel, I thought how I will never become the best at anything due to something out of my control maybe, I wasn’t born in the right month, I didn’t know the right people, to create a chain of events that would help me reach the mastery level of what I am passionate