Overcoming Odds By Arn Chorn-Pond

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“ ‘Be like the grass. Bend low, bend low, then bend lower. The wind blow one way, you bow that way. It blow the other way, you do, too. That is the way to survive.’ ”(McCormick 37). This quote is a basic overview of what it would take to survive, to overcome the odds. Overcoming odds cannot be achieved without the effort to do whatever it takes. Throughout the story, Arn Chorn-Pond goes through many life-changing and very traumatic events that really change the way he thinks about the next decision he’s about to make. A very vital theme in this entire story is overcoming the odds. Arn went through plenty of moments that other people would have nightmares about. He’s experienced many deaths in his life either by causing them, watching them, …show more content…

He joined a band and learned to play an instrument, he became a dancer and befriended a Khmer Rouge soldier. “I raise my hand. Just give me one bowl of rice, I think, then you can kill me. (McCormick 48)”, this was his reaction to when the Khmer Rouge asked if anyone could play an instrument. When he did this he wasn’t sure if this was a test or an actual opportunity but he took the chance anyway. After their first performance, the small group of band members became popular. Another opportunity comes his way, dancing. “I learn these dance step, too, just volunteer myself so I can get a little more famous. Because if I’m famous, everyone know me, maybe the Khmer Rouge won’t kill me. (McCormick 75)”. Becoming a band member and a dancer really affected the way the Khmer Rouge looked at Arn, it made him look unstoppable. While Arn was taking these opportunities he gained some helpful allies like Mek, the music teacher, and Sombo, the Khmer Rouge soldier. When Mek became the music teacher he didn’t really care about what happened but Arn did, “I hit this guy with my fist. ‘Okay if you die!’ I say. (McCormick 57)”. After this Mek and Arn slowly begin to gain a father and son kind of bond. Mek would defend him from soldiers and would allow Arn to sleep in his room with him. Sombo, on the other hand, was a very unlikely ally. “This guy, Sombo, he catch me