Overview Of Fallen Angels By Walter Dean Myers

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The book that I am reading for my summer reading is Fallen Angels by Walter Dean Myers. This book is about soldiers who are fighting in the Vietnam War. The book focuses around the main protagonist Richard Perry and is in first person through Perry’s perspective of the war. Perry’s life is different compared to mine for instance Perry is the age 17, he has a single mother and younger brother he is having to support by joining the army while just finishing high school. While I have both my parents and a sister, and I do not have to support my family., and just starting high school. The text elaborates this by having Perry and his new found friend conversating “‘What you do back in the World?’ ‘Just got out of school,’ I said. ‘You didn’t finish, either?’ ‘I finished high school.’.” (page 13) This conversation shows that Perry joined the army directly after completing high school. …show more content…

They also shows what kind of father-like influence Richard has left on Kenny since their father left when Kenny was the age of four. Perry narrates “Maybe it had something to do with Dad leaving when Kenny was four.” (page 60) Perry also differs from me because we were born in different places, I am from Florida and he is from New York. Also the fact of my environment is a regular non-hostile environment, as for Perry his environment he is always having to watch his back and kill people. Myers illustrates this by having Perry say a certain phrase about not thinking too much and to just be alert, this phrase was told to Perry by his Sergeant