Oxford Case Study Of Crime

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Over the hills and through the woods, you find grandma's house in the small town of Oxfordshire, England. Nestled in a valley is the town with all its unique history and people. The town's founders were said to have been witches. Good witches to be specific. They came here to be away from the rest of the world. It was the only way they knew how to help it. The Oxford witches were concerned for the people because of the fast progression of society and the mistrust of the unknown. Jump forward a hundred years; the town's population is less than 2,000 people. Grandmothers, children, and everyone in between descendants of the Oxford family still live in the same home. There has been the integration with new families finding their way to Oxfordshire. …show more content…

The town caretaker discovered her at 11pm. Sadly, Jacob Lieder later died of a heart attack. Sarah stayed to clean up after a PTA meeting about the upcoming carnival. The reports say she was missing her ring finger on her left hand. He found it to be written using her finger and blood. She was face down, hair in tangles, had clenched tight fists. She had nothing in her hands, or under her fingernails. There were no marks around her neck, none of the classic signs found in a strangulation case. What was worse was she was stabbed twenty-seven times after death. The crime scene was a confusing mess; the place was torn apart and the victim was left lying face down with her neck at a weird angle. No weapon has been recovered. Dirt and debris from the garden were under her fingernails; the kitchen stone floor had been banged up pretty good, something metal the CSI team had said. It was as if the murderer was never even there because sign of another person being in the church except Sarah. The coroner, Dr. Raleigh, has not found a cause of death. No leads as to why or who because no one saw anything. Furthermore, the victim’s family is looking for