Will You Marry Me Essay

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PEW Research Assignment


“Will you marry me”? Surprisingly, not all individuals are married to date and it is not due to the fact that they were not asked to give their hand in marriage. The simple shockingly truth is, they are in fact, individuals who simply do not wish to get married, nor do they have a desire to. According to the PEW Research Center these individuals provide a wide range of reasoning and their personal excuses on opted out of the marriage pool and these people vary and are distinctly separated into different ethnic groups, gender and salary gaining’s. The percentages are off the charts and higher than expected.

Data Set I

Analysis and Discussion
According to the PEW …show more content…

Not all people who claim to be unstable admit to this being a major issue for their stance, (24%) consider unstableness as a minor issue to not marry. There is (24%) of individuals who simply are not ready to commit and be monogamous with only one mate. According to Cherlin, “It would appear that the norm of monogamy extends to the behavior of most cohabiting couples. So individuals who have a series of committed relationships cohabiting or marital usually follow a pattern we can call serial monogamy”. In most relationships, people try to remain faithful and have monogamy relationships, why do single people view marriage as “not ready for monogamy relationships? It is clear that individuals who do not want to commit to marriage would prefer to “hook up” and have no strings attached rather than to settle down and jump the broom. Many would agree that being incompatible with another person would only simply lead to an ugly stroll down divorce court lane. Individuals would much rather remain single than to commit to another whom they share no interest with and are not compatible

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