
Pacifism Vs Just War Essay

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Before the question of whether just war theory or pacifism is the more “realistic” approach to international war theory based on biblical reality of human nature, the role of the Church in relation to Government, and the responsibility of individual Christians can be determined, several definitions and avenues must be defined and explored. First, just war theory and pacifism must be defined. When referring to just war theory, Heineman states, “a war was just if it was properly declared by established political authorities and was for causes that the church considered valid” (Heineman 1996, 216). In the presentation this week, just war theory was in correlation with the realistic approach to international politics (Ferkaluk, 1:01). Now the question of what is a realist needs to be answered. …show more content…

Now that just war theory has been defined, pacifism must also be equally defined. Pacifism is the opposite of just war theory in that it promotes peace and denounces violence, which is known as the idealistic approach to international politics (Ferkaluk, 1:03). Idealism is defined by Strohmer as “political idealism is more optimistic” (Strohmer n.d.). Strohmer writes, “Put crudely, realists tend toward the cynical; idealists tend to idealize” (Strohmer

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