Two Thousand Year Inscription On The Pantheon Essay

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The two thousand year inscription on the Pantheon M. AGRIPPA L.F.COS.TERIUM FECIT translated to “Marcus Agrippa the son of Lucius three times council, built this.” Is Marcus Agrippa associated with the Pantheon? This inscription for much time was of considerable uncertainty to the Pantheons origins. Ongoing debates to the why, and by whom the Pantheon was built, continue, mostly because their descriptions are not written in ancient literature. To add to its mystery its difference in architecture between the two parts: the porch and the dome; the Greek style porch contrasts to its Roman style dome, proves its long time controversy still remains an enduring question. Explanation and theories have been discussed; Palladio thought that Agrippa had added the portico to a building of earlier. Michelangelo the great painter of the Sistine chapel speculated the portico and dome were designed by different architects (of different ability) . He looked at everything with an artistic eye, he was rarely impressed, but when Michelangelo first saw the pantheon in 1500 he proclaimed it “angelic not human design” . It still stands today – 500 years later. …show more content…

Acclaimed elegant Roman emperor, Hadrian was inspired by beauty, and Hellenic culture gave insight for Greek literature, music and architecture, which brought Hadrian to combine the two cultures in the construction of the Pantheon. His plans were designed for two main parts; the entrance porch, and a circular dome connecting the two. The height and diameter of the dome measure 43,3 meters, thus creating a perfect sphere. Hadrian’s circular of all Gods was to resemble the globe. This temple was Hadrian’s sanctuary he imagined himself seated directly under the oculus, the universe revolving above, while the sun and heavens stood around him. The dome’s great hole or oculus measures 8.8 meters, and is the main source of light inside the