Case Study: Paradigm Toys

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It is the responsibility of the Paradigm Toys management to ensure that that the workers use the company’s resources in a responsible manner. Hence, the company must monitor how its employees utilize its resources, such as those relating to information and technology. To minimize the instances of cyber loafing, which often lead to the excessive use of internet, the company can allocate hours on internet usage. This will help to reduce internet expenses since surfing is only done during specific hours, such as during tea and lunch breaks. Paradigm Toy will also restrict the sites to be accessed by the employees. Sites which employees waste time on, such as those relating to pornography, online shopping, online games, and musical sites, will …show more content…

For example, for the sake of its customers, the company needs to ensure that it manufactures products that are safe to use, offer value, and are of the acceptable quality standards. In relation to the shareholders who are the owners of the company, it has to ensure that it serves its moral and legal commitments to them. Such commitments include making sure that the stakeholders are rewarded with some income on their investment. The management team at Paradigm is also committed to showing social responsibility to its secondary stakeholders. As for the competitors who can be affected by the activities of the company, the latter needs to ensure that it adheres to the market provisions on competition to enhance fairness. Paradigm Toys also needs to comply with governmental laws; the government is responsible for regulating the activities of the company to ensure that it performs its obligations to its primary stakeholders, in addition to complying with the free-market …show more content…

Boring ethics training yields unsatisfactory outcome, and therefore, to ensure that the results are effective, I will incorporate visual storytelling. This is because illustrations are more engaging, appealing and exciting. They will also be memorable to the workers who will remember the images they see during such training (Jennings & Entine, 1998).
Managers are charged with the responsibility of establishing the firm’s ethical policy, which they are supposed to give to their employees to read and sign. This ethical policy usually reveals the ethical standards that are expected in the different areas of business, such as using the internet and computers, making phone calls, employee harassment, and the manner in which company information is supposed to be handled. Such a policy document, therefore, addresses all expectations of the employees and the penalties for misconduct. When companies establish an effective ethical policy, they are able to succeed and grow because many people will have confidence in them and turn to them for business. A good ethical policy also ensures workers develop a good team culture, translating into more success for the business (Ciulla, 2013). This essay will assess the ethical climate of Paradigm Toys, the social responsibility of the company, the ethical training program for the employees, and the