Parthenon Vs Pantheon Research Paper

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Introduction The Greeks with their small population did not need large buildings. However, in Rome, with its huge population, there was a need for large public buildings. They developed two new styles of architecture, the vault and dome, which have very big roofs that cover a large space. It was the same dome which Pantheon was designed Hadrian as a temple to the Roman gods. In this essay I would like to explore the uses, similarities and the differences of the two buildings. Pantheon Courtesy of Diffen : Studies though shows that Pantheon was built by Marcus Agrippa after the battle of Actium (31 BC), it is argued that the present construction began in 114, under Trajan, four years …show more content…

Parthenon was a Doric peripteral temple supported by Ionic columns whereas Pantheon supported by Corinthian columns. The other difference is that in terms of shape, Parthenon it has a rectangular flow plan while Pantheon is a circular building. There also some similarities in these two building which involves such features as both the Pantheon and the Parthenon were originally designed as temples, and the Pantheon borrows much of its exterior design from traditional Greek temples such as the Parthenon. In the way they are built both use 8 columns to support a pediment though they were different in style. Both have faced some destruction and rebuilding, and both were used as churches at some point except Parthenon which was destroyed that it become a museum. Finally, looking at the comparison chart, it is noted that both building had classical architectural style. Not forgetting too that both buildings were at one time converted into a Christian church from the temple of their gods.