Pearl Harbor Cause And Effect Essay

585 Words3 Pages

English 3
October 28, 2014

The Causes of World War 2
Pearl Harbor World war 2 first started in Sept. 1, 1939. When Germany invaded Poland, Britain and France, Even after not have a declaration of war. Then France declared on Germany on September 3rd for having invading them and other countries. Many others also declared war following rapidly after France. The Nazi Germany Military, Using its war techniques of air warfare completely crushed the polish defenses, and almost finished of the soviet forces. while On December 7, 1941, just before 8 o’clock, At the American naval base at Pearl Harbor about 4 miles away from Honolulu, Hawaii. Soldiers where awaken by sounds of planes. Hundreds of Japanese planes attacked. “The Attacked was estimated to last two hours, and it was catastrophic. Eight Gigantic American battleships, and more than 200 American Fighter …show more content…

Knowing that Germany wanted to go to war the United States joined forces with “Poland, France, New Zealand, Netherlands, Greece, Soviet Union, and China (National).” Etc. In order to stop the Axis Forces from trying to take over the world and completely change the face of the earth. Full of anger all of the country sent troops to many parts of Europe and Japan to start the war against the Axis forces. “The involvement of many of the Allies in World War II was natural and inevitable -- they were invaded or under the direct threat of invasion by the Axis (Allies.) “The Axis Forces had already begun to invade many other countries so it made it hard to try and pin point somewhere to attack but with great strategy the Allie Forces where able to stop all the invasions and finally maintain some sort of stability in the war. Americans joined the fight with providing may of the weapons used and many of the food supplies. While Poland and the Soviet Union Supplied the troops

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