Pearl Harbor Dbq

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In 1928 the Kellogg- briand pact was signed involving Great Britain the united states japan italy and germany. The events leading to the attack of pearl harbor affected the economy in a positive and negative way depending on who you were. They were affected in this way do to the lend and lease act, EU2 Visuals and japan Attacking Pearl Harbor. The lend and lease act gave the united states the opportunity to lend things to other countries with a fee for they knew they would get it back. According to National Archives Document section 3 it states, “ Whenever the president deems such purchase or acquisition to be necessary in the interest if the defense of the united states.” What this piece of text is saying is that once the president finds …show more content…

According to Works Projects Administration War Services Project poster, published in Pennsylvania between 1941 and 1943 it states “ there’s a job for every pennsyvillan in these civil defense efforts.” What this is saying is that there are jobs available to all in the defense line. This affects the economy in a positive way because more jobs are being filled on the defense line since it is now open to all and that could help the soldiers have more support. According to United States Office of War Information poster was published in 1943 it states, “ women are needed also as taxi delivers messenger and more.” This affects the economy in a positive way because it's aiming towards women and its expanding jobs since there would be more workers able to work there and more workers mean more production that will bring in more money. Women were normally were housewives but not that men were in the war they had the chance to work in places along with men.
Japan attacking pearl harbor affected the economy in a positive way because according to document d it states, “in 1940 Japan had few oil reserves and produced very little of its own oil.” In other words japan was in need for oil because it had little reserves and barley oil from its own. This affected the U.S in a positive way because now they had more oil to trade with other countries. In addition to this document b states, “ Japan was taking over China”. This affects Japan's

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