Pediatric Prep Sheet Case Study

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Pediatric Prep Sheet 1. Give a brief description of this disease/diagnosis. Include basic pathophysiology GM was diagnosing with bilious emesis, this disease is describe by excessive yellow vomiting. The obstruction of some part of the small intestine can cause the expulsion of the intestinal content which has already mixed with bile. The most common symptom is constipation accompanied by the present of abdominal distention and pain. Contras media is often the first procedure performed to diagnose of bilious emesis. Establishment of an intravenous line is a priority to restore fluids and electrolytes. 2. What are normal vital signs for this age patient? Respiratory rate: 18-30 Heart rate: 75-100 Blood pressure: 84-120 (systolic mmHg) 54-80 …show more content…

What are possible side effects of the medication this patient is taking? 5. What is the normal eating patter of a child this age? School age kids are active, therefore they have trouble sitting down for 15 to 20 at the table for meals. As a result, they won’t eat a complete meal to meet the nutritional demands of their bodies. These are the nutritional suggestions for this age: Fruits and vegetables Two servings each per day. These may be given as snacks, such as apple or carrot slices. Also try adding veggies to soups. Whole grains Four daily servings. Can include buckwheat pancakes or multigrain toast for breakfast, a sandwich on wheat bread for lunch and brown rice or another whole grain as part of the evening meal. Milk and dairy Three servings or one pint of whole milk per day. Cheeses, yogurt, and milk puddings are useful alternatives. Protein Two servings a day such as, turkey, eggs, fish, chicken, lamb, baked beans, and lentils, as well as red meat. 6. What would be appropriate play/diversional activities for a child this age while hospitalized? • Listen to favorite music. • Watch favorite movies or cartoons. • Play board

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