
Perfect Community In The Giver By Lowis Lowry

908 Words4 Pages

The Giver
January, 11 2023

In some stories the thought of living in a perfect community would be an absolute dream. The Giver, written by Lowis Lowry, is based in a so-called perfect community. Jonas, a 12 year old boy, is given a special role in the community that receives and gives memories from and to people. Jonas is out to find the truth of his community with the help of The Giver, the receiver before Jonas. Although being in a so-called perfect community that really is not so perfect because of trying to get everyone the same. Jonas’s experiences develop a theme over the course of The Giver by teaching the reader that trying to be perfect is a big personal sacrifice in life.

Jonas was breaking the rules by being unperfect and …show more content…

For example on page 188 and 189 it states “ Once again he saw the face of the light haired, bloodied soldier as life left his eyes. The memory came back. He killed it! My father killed it! Jonas said to himself, stunned at what he was realizing. He continued to stare at the screen numbly.[...] They brought a syringe and asked her to roll up her sleeve. ‘You suggested, Jonas, that perhaps she wasnt brave enough? I dont know about bravery; what it is, that means. I do know that I sat here numb with horror. Wretched with helplessness. And I listened as Rosemary told them that she would prefer to inject herself.” This evidence shows how Jonas found the truth of being perfect. Jonas finds out what being released is, which is being killed. In this evidence Jonas realizes that the peole getting released were being killed, and he also realized that his father didnt know what he was doing, and neither did Rosemary.This shows how Jonas found the truth and the sacrifices it takes to be perfect. Jonas also is “force” to be perfect as well, or try and stay the same and normal like everyone else. For example, in the text it states “His mother nodded unsurprised. ‘Many of our groupmates probably do. The males, atleast. And they all will soon. Females too. [...] The next morning for the first time Jonas did not take his pill, Something

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