Personal Essay: Growing Up In The US

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Growing up I was a young kid I big had hopes and dreams. I would always believe in myself and never give up, and would always try to avoid the obstacles that would interfere with my life. As a child, growing up in a family of 6 people wasn’t always easy for us. I have 4 brothers and 2 sisters and my parent would have to take care of us. I remember our first time coming to the United States of America, everything was very strange and awkward for us especially for me because I didn’t understand the language. also, there was one thing that most of us couldn’t do very well which was reading and writing. We had a lot of trouble reading emails, reading books, and even interacting with civilians. As a result, we had to rely on our father who also didn’t speak much English to help us get started. In addition to coming to the U.S, I also remember the first time I and my sister was going to school. By the …show more content…

And growing up we’ve accomplished tremendous things, such as attendance awards, character awards and fun awards. Awards can also be fun. For example, you can win an award for having the biggest smile, or maybe for being the best negotiator. Awards come in many different shapes and sizes. Two of the biggest awards I’ve ever gotten was for having the best manners, and for being a good citizen. I also won an award for having straight A’s for a full semester, and my friends and family were really proud of me for receiving that award. At school and around my community I am known as WilvensTheGreat. I was given this nickname by my friends at school because of my excellent work and for being very helpful and active in my community; for my school, I volunteered to do B.E.T.A, J.R.O.T.C. Those activities really help me because they showed me how we all could be stronger together, and the J.R.O.T.C program motivated me to become a better