
Personal Essay: Hunting In The Schwaller Family

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These are the things I do not want to forget. I was raised in the Schwaller family in the town of Freedom. Our town was originally named by a former slave who wanted to celebrate the fact he had escaped the bonds of slavery. My dad taught me the most important things I needed to know in order to become a good hunter. “Don’t miss, you never know when you’ll have an opportunity to shoot again.” This is a quote my Dad once told me. I started hunting when I was twelve years old. I loved it since the day I started. Hunting in my family is a tradition in my family. So for me to hunt was a no brainer.
When I first got interested in hunting I was eleven. This was after my dad shot a deer in the backyard. This really made me want to hunt because when …show more content…

I was very excited to go hunting again I had waited for over two months since the youth hunt. This time we were going to Belle Plaine. On Saturday it below zero. We were sitting in an open stand. At about noon a doe burst into the open area by my stand and ran into the brush. I didn’t have an opportunity to shoot the deer because it was in the open for about three seconds then gone. After a couple of hours passed by my Dad and I saw nothing again, so we got down for the day. The next morning we got up early and started hunting, my Dad’s friends wanted to stay at the cottage a little longer so we sat in a different stand which was enclosed. I was nice and warm in there. At ten thirty a six point buck walked in the open area we have and bedded down behind a tiny hill. The deer's head was looking the opposite way as my Dad and I. We opened the window and I lined up the gun on the deer and my Dad said take your time he’s laying down. So I took my time and then BANG! I shot and hit the deer. It didn’t run it was just wiggling on the ground. After we got down to the deer, I called my Dad’s friends and told them. Everyone was super excited. As we were about to leave the land my Dad said, To me “man, you really don’t

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