Personal Narrative Essay: The Joy Of Deer Hunting

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I am Lindsey Brown, and here is a little insight about who I am. I love to dance and have been dancing for twelve years. I adore my family and spending time with them. Also, I enjoy being outdoors. Many people don’t know this but, I love to hunt. It is something that my dad and I can bond over. Each year before hunting season we go to our property and clean out our trails to our deer stands. But, one day things took a turn for the worst. It was the ending of September I was 12 years old and we were getting ready for deer season to arrive. My dad, Christopher (my cousin), and I were all up at the cabin in our woods. We were all dressed accordingly in our blue jeans, long sleeve shirts with a coat, a baseball cap, and our boots. As we stepped …show more content…

We cleared six paths that day. It is hard work when you are trying to knock down all the brush in the different trails. So, my job was to carry big twigs back up to the cabin and get a pile of sticks and dead leave made. Later on I told Christopher that I had made my pile and that he should light it for me. So, my dad and Christopher both came up, Christopher started the fire and my dad had to take a business call. In order to get service at our property you have to stand by the dirt road to get signal. It was a good thing my dad had to take the call because my dad is severely allergic to …show more content…

I was crying because my adrenaline was rushing, I have never been so scared in my life. As we got in the truck my body was stinging like crazy, I was stung everywhere. My feet hurt the worst. When I took my boot off bees started flying out of them, that when Christopher slammed on the brakes and we all jumped out of the truck. I threw my boots at the bees and eventually they all died down. I had never been so scared in my life for my dad. If he would have gotten stung I would have never forgiven

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