Personal Narrative-A Die-Hard Audio Geek

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A Die-Hard Audio Geek My life has been a rollercoaster. This is amusing considering the fact that I get motion sick, but with all of the twists, turns, and occasional loopty-loops that have occurred, a rollercoaster is certainly a fair description. However, this is the story of how I volunteered to help where I could and ended up stumbling upon one of my passions. I was twelve years old and our church sound system was outdated and in need of replacement. Much to my excitement, we were connected with a sound technician named Jon, who specialized in sound and lighting installs for churches. Although extremely capable by himself, he was asking for volunteers from the church to help him with certain aspects of this particular install. Immediately, I volunteered. Being the small kid that I was, one of my jobs was to crawl underneath the two and a half foot stage and pull sound cable from the sound booth to the stage. Although this was not the easiest duty, I did it fairly well and with minimal complaining, which seemed to impress Jon. As we reached the latter segments of the installation, he walked me through …show more content…

His business had grown some and he now had a partner, Neal. However, even with the two of them working together, they needed an extra set of hands to finish a job in the area. Better yet, Jon was willing to pay for my help. Without hesitation, I jumped at the opportunity to work for him. It was definitely hard work for several long days filled with scaffolding, extension ladders, lifting heavy lights, crawling between two-by-fours, and learning basic electrical engineering, but I loved every minute of it. And apparently Jon and Neal loved having me, because it wasn't more than a month later that I got another call asking for help. They have requested my aid several times since then and I have yet to tell them "no." Simply the thought of working in this fascinating field now fills me pure joy and giddy