
Personal Narrative: A Former Prison

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A Former Prisoner. I can hear silence. It is pitch black except for the faint light ray, piercing through the closed glassy window. At least, I am free of these shackles now. The shackles set by my over-protective, over-scrutinizing parents that deteriorated with time. These fixed steel shackles that prevented me countless times from escaping. But, I still cannot escape because I am scared to leave the cell and go outside. I cannot even remember the last time I held a meaningful human interaction. The door squeaks open, and long jet black strands of hair scattered with the gentle air breath entering the once ever-locked room. The bright light from outside the door hit my crimson card necklace with golden writing on it. Cell: Comfort Zone. Name: Anti-social. …show more content…

Books taught me priceless tolerance, Music taught me captivating arts, and Anime taught me ancient cultures – very entertaining and enriching friends, I must say. However, I have grown bored. Bored of this cell, of being alone, and of being incapable of sharing my hobbies, which is why I tried to escape. You see, anime and music in a strict religious-derived community are viewed as disgusting, time-consuming hobbies. So, when I tried to break out my shell and reach out to people, sharing my hobbies, all I got was disdainful looks and mockery from parents, friends, and teachers. I was found repulsive because my hobbies were different and requiring solitude, which is why I returned to my cell and lovely mates. I fixed the shackles in place, and for once more, I was an anti-social … till the day she

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