Personal Narrative Analysis

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“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness,” this line is more than just a quote from classic literature, it almost perfectly describes how college has been for me halfway through the semester. From acing a paper to homework blunders, from making awesome friends to getting in a bad relationship, college is everything you expect it to be, don’t expect it to be and much, much more. What has been the most surprising? There have been many things that I have found surprising, but a couple really stand out. First, is how you are able to meet so many people, but still barely know anyone on campus. This may sound far from surprising to some but, not for me. This is because I’m from …show more content…

Thinking back, there is so much I wish could’ve known about college during my senior year. The most important things I want to voice include: don’t stop doing schoolwork your senior year, look into all aspects of your college before you go, surround yourself with successful and positive people, and be patient. I say don’t stop doing schoolwork because once you get to college, work is thrown onto you right away, and if you were lazy your senior year it will be very hard to get back into the flow of working hard. Looking into all aspects of your college include where you’ll actually be living on campus, classes you’ll be taking, and what actually happens in your college social life. This may sound cliché but it is important because many high schoolers have misconceptions about college all the way up until they are actually attending college and discovering many of these firsthand. Surrounding yourself with positive and successful people is something you should not only do in college but, in life as well. You will start to act like the people you surround yourself with, so you want to be around the right people. Finally is be patient. Things aren’t going to happen right away in college so don’t feel like you’re doing something wrong. Making friends takes time, getting into a flow takes time, building confidence takes time. Don’t rush into things, they will come to you. You just have to be