Personal Narrative-Charrlotte Deaf Mission

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Today is Thursday, so once again I go to the ASL table in order to get some hours for my deaf event. I get food and see my friends who have come for hours as well. When we talk they say that I have gotten better at signing. I meet up with Leah again at Robert's table. I talked to himk about seeing his wife at Chalotte Deaf Mission, and he explained to Leah that I was the great neice of Judy and Billy Jernigan. Leah thought for a second, and stated that she might know them. I think that she could have gone to Charrlotte Deaf Mission, and met Billy because he is a prominant leader at theat church. Throught the night the subject changed to our new joyful hHands song that we were learning for the preformancve night with several different musical

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