Personal Narrative: Dodgeball

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Oh Deer There was a time when I practically lived at my neighbors. My brother and I would be over there all the time. Whether it was a school night or not we were there. There was an unlimited amount of things we could think up. Some of the games we had played was snake on the trampoline, worm in the dark, and dodgeball. Now let me tell you a little story about dodgeball. My brother and I were at my neighbors, like the usual, and we were a little bored. But jumping on the trampoline was worn from our minds. We were sitting on the couch thinking of something we could do. It wasn’t dark enough to play worm and snake involved the trampoline, and we didn’t feel like being on the trampoline. So the next best thing was dodge ball in the house. …show more content…

We used any ball we could find. The choices ranged from basketballs, footballs, kickballs, those Wal-mart character balls, and last-but-not-least yoga balls. By the time we were done playing we had about twenty or so balls. The game first started out as were were just throwing two foam footballs around. Then someone threw it too hard and another person retaliated by throwing it hard back. That’s when we got the smart idea of playing dodgeball, and we wanted more to play with so we found basketballs. Basketballs are not the best things to use, I know from experience, when they hit your face it stings and your face goes