Personal Narrative Essay: My Trip To America

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My Trip to America
Some people think that my trip to America was dangerous because I risked my life by travelling around the world illegally and with a fake passport. Others think that it was not worth it because of the expenses. I spent almost 40,000 dollars coming to the United States. I was uncertain if I would ever get the opportunity to accomplish my goals. For instance; attending and graduating university, being granted asylum, and having the opportunity to became a US citizen. Although everything was uncertain, emotional, and risky, I believe my trip was worth it because I now have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and a memorable experience to look back on. First, my trip to America was risky because I crossed some borders illegally. The first part of my trip consisted of legal travel, I flew from Khartoum, Sudan to South America. The first country I visited in South America was Ecuador. After Ecuador, I flew to …show more content…

At first, when I started my journey it was fun and enjoyable. I got to see so many countries in South America legally, such as; Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Mexico. Within those countries, I travelled to different cities. For example; Tapachula, San Jose, and Guatemala City. I have gotten so much experience on how life is for the natives. I traveled the most around was Colombia. I visited El Paso, Barranquilla, Cartagena, San Andreas Island, Kali, Bogota, and Turbo. My favorite place in Colombia was San Andreas Island. Colombians would fill the streets with people and tourist near the beach every Sunday to chat and party. Parties started around noon and lasted until about midnight. The whole partying near a beach experience was new for me. I got the chance to learn more about Colombian culture at these parties. I met new people, tried new food and drinks but most importantly it was a time for me to rest my mind from worrying about the