Personal Narrative Essay: The Fire Of Life

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Picture this everything is going great like is amazing then bam! A bad fire strikes your house or business you're left with nothing your life is crushed. You don't know what to do how to counteract the adversity life has thrown at you. Do you throw in the towel give up or start all over? But the real question may be what are you going to salvage or save with so little time to react. “I learned a real lesson to keep insurance on everything you value otherwise it could be gone, but I'm thankful my mother was thinking and saved my dad's medical practice,” (“Fire changes”).It's crazy to think that everything could be gone like that and your very thankful you could salvage what you could or what was most important to you. Not everyone thankfully has to go through a fire and be so close to losing everything in so little time I'm glad no one was hurt and the boy's father was able to keep his medical practice going it’s just very unfortunate. (“Fire changes”) “Edmond pope, a retired U.S. Naval officer, was …show more content…

Pinch-hit his 400th home run setting a major league mark to reach as a pinch hitter. He was a slugger he crushed a lot of home runs and was a major star during his time playing for a few times such as the Reds and the Marlins as I know of. Also he set the bar and followed his dad's footsteps in reach for stardom. I was very surprised when I saw that the New York Mets were swept in the World Series by the New York Yankees because nowadays many teams don't complete a sweep they struggle to close a series as it is (“Historical events in October 2000”).A big fashion trend back then was the throwback jersey, or sweatbands,highlights in the hair, long white tees, popped collar polos, v-necks and shutter shades(“the 25 best”). Many people wanted to fit in and when there was a trend many people followed and continued the trend. I wished I could've remembered Ken Griffey crushing home runs and winning games for his ball club in walk off