
Personal Narrative Essay: The Iraq War

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It was 2005 when Greg was deployed to Iraq for the second time. How was he supposed to tell his family that he was being ripped from them yet again. How could he possibly leave Hailey, his two year old daughter. Would she even remember him when he got back? How could the country he served demand this of him again? He would miss Hannah’s introduction to the world of education. Would she understand why he had to be away from her for so long? Would Bethany, his eight year old daughter, have her first heartbreak without him being there to ask her, “You wan’ I should take ‘im out back fur yous” (In a Jersey accent)? How could the military take him away from his wife, Melanie? How was he supposed to buy her all of the new books she would be craving? Was it not satisfying enough to the country that he had already gone through this once before? Gregory Cimenski was deployed to an American Air Force base in Mosul, Iraq. Before he was sent overseas, he had to attend training at Fort McCoy in Wisconsin. Every soldier deployed to Iraq received basic convoy training. When Greg arrived at the Fort McCoy training, he went in with determination. He would not let the military make him be in combat. He wanted the safest position a soldier could acquire in Iraq because the thought of being …show more content…

He could tell there were a lot of injuries and a lot of blood. A few of the outside shacks were collapsed and beyond repair. The town must have taken the hardest blow of the bomb’s explosion. A white truck serving as an ambulance drove up to the town. As the truck stopped, people jumped out and dragged a gurney from the truck. From what Greg could see the person on the gurney was a very young girl. She was wearing a green dress and reminded Greg of his eldest daughter. The young girl was covered in blood and wasn’t moving. She was not moaning from the pain, she was not crying, she was not screaming. The girl was

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