Personal Narrative: I Am Artemis

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I am Artemis. Goddess of hunting, childbirth, virginity, natural environment. I am one of the goddesses of the moon. I am the daughter of zeus who is the son of Cronus & Rhea. Also the daughter of Leto who is the daughter of Coeus & Phoebe. Who were Titans. My twin brother is Apollo. I was born in Ortygia. Zeus got my mother pregnant, and his wife found out so my mother had to run. She finally had to give birth to me. After I saw how much pain my mother was in, I helped my mother bring my brother into this world.That is how I was declared the goddess of childbirth. I am the protector of nature and the hunt; both wild and tame animals are under my protection. I also protect the agriculture and animal herding. I had a good friend named Orion