Personal Narrative: I Am Good At Culture

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I 'm am really good at culture geo, because I think it 's the easiest class it 's simple. I 'm also good at running I love how when I run it relaxes me after. Every time I go to the park I end up feeling so relaxed after a jog because I love how it is after. One of my strengths is that I am a good hearted person it might look like a mean person but once you get to know me I end up being really nice. My other strength is that when I 'm with my family I love to hear them laugh because their laugh just gets me in a good mood. Something I can do really well is take care of babies I love children I 'm really good with them. I have been told that one of my strengths is being good with math, but I 'm not really sure because I don 't really understand some of the concepts we are told to …show more content…

I am not so good at math because I can 't understand what we 're trying to learn I get so confused, the reason I get confused is because half of the things we learn I get mixed up. I don 't think I 'm good at cooking or dealing with huge problems, I don 't know how o cook yet and when some one asks me or tells me for advice or what their going through I really just don 't like to gather all that negativity they bring to me I find it kind of annoying , not to be mean I just do. Another one of my weaknesses is that I can 't talk in public places I get so shy and I get lightheaded. Some thing I struggle to do is to understand people and how they act, what I mean is I don 't know how they are and that 's whats hard. I need a lot of help is math, because i don 't understand. Something that used to be really difficult for me was other subjects in math like fractions but now I know I could do better. I can get better if I just study, what I 'm going to do to study is take more notes . I can get better if I know how to take notes. If I were to open my mind more for math I would most likely understand it more and get it! I am getting good at Bio because I 'm starting to be more involved