Personal Narrative-Is It Helpful Or Powerful?

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A grandmother is always the one you can fall back on if you're collapsing. She will always feed you if you're hungry, Take you in if you're without a place to lay your head at night. And she never asks for anything in return it's always out of pure love and kindness. My grandmother has raised me since she I was newborn; she took me home from the hospital. She has always been there for me all 16 years of my life, and I recently lost her to terminal heart failure. I was devastated at the moment, I always had her to lean on, and now that she's gone, it seems as if I'm in this world all alone. I wake up every morning with a feeling so bittersweet, as if there was a hole in my heart. I often throughout the day find myself daydreaming about all of …show more content…

I got involved with some of the local gangs. And doing stuff I should not be doing what so ever. I was associating with the wrong people, headed for one out of two places Prison or a Grave. I began selling marijuana and burglarizing others for their belongings. I won't speak too much on that because that's the past and it's something I don't wish to get into detail about. Not that I regret, those stupid decisions made me who I am today. I began to become familiar to the local police officers, in and out of jail. I once I went to jail twice in a week, I started to sit in my cell, lay on that concrete slab looking at the ceiling thinking, "I have to change"I can't spend the rest of my life like this." It had to be a better way for a high school drop out to make a …show more content…

My grandmother always did everything for my, and now that she is deceased, I have to do what I need to do for myself to better my future. Now that I look back on all the foolish things I did in school, I understand that they were unnecessary and could have been easily prevented. You don't need to be in a gang or sell drugs to be considered cool. Matter of fact you don't need to be considered cool at all, It doesn't matter what others think of you. You need to do right for yourself to make sure you have the brightest future possible. Change is not always a bad thing; you just need to be aware of your new surrounding and understand how to gain and maintain. You can be a boss if you can't take a loss; my grandmother taught me that. Your future is what you make it so don't get caught at the moment Committing Unnecessary acts to fit in. Do what's best for you and your

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