Personal Narrative-Moving

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I was walking through someone 's yard wondering aimlessly at the trees. “Come on hurry up Aidan!” Samantha said, trudging down a muddy path. We were heading back to the water-filled Creek for more exotic pictures.
I moved along but I kept thinking about Sammy moving. I really loved taking pictures with Sammy but soon that would be no more. We eventually did reach our destination and made another jaw dropping expression at it’s rocky brown platform. Along with that it had a tunnel behind it. I breathed in the smell of beautiful nature.
As we’re taking our fascinating pictures Sammy stopped mid-step and stated “Me and my family are moving in about 2 weeks. The 22nd.”
In my mind I mentally cried. I really didn 't want to see her go but I just said “oh.” I just walked forward trying to lighten the mood by ranting about boys. …show more content…

It’s too pale white skin, full black eyes and stained clothes. I ran off somewhere feeling the mud squish and squash through my feet. I looked back over and just laughed at our situation, running from a non-moving doll. All of a sudden we were apologizing because we thought the doll had cameras in it’s

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