
Personal Narrative: My Childhood Memories Of Dr. Suess

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Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory, Dr. Suess. What is one of the greatest memories you have had? I will tell you about my memories. read my memoir to find out more. The tourist gawking at their surroundings. They see the never ending ocean and carnival rides through colored sunglasses. The waves breaking as they get close to the sand. The grey dolphins communicating when they leap out of the water. A bad aroma of fresh seafood is overwhelming. There is salt water still on the fish because they have not been cleaned. The hot tar smells so awful it gives you a headache. Crispy shrimp with a Mountain dew soda that fizzes when you open it. The fresh fish that is cooked just right with salad. The dripping sweat running off your body. Cold water running down your throat as you chug it. The hot ground feels like your feet is melting even with shoes on. Cars zooming by down the straight road like a dragstrip. People in there bright colorful swimming attire. Cars engines hitting the rev limiter and noisy honking. New rides skidding to a stop grinding on the tracks. Soda bottles fizzing after being wildly shook. Sunscreen smelling like a sandy beach. Salty sea water burns your nose like …show more content…

Writing that will stay in my memory. Seaweed washed up on the beach dark green and light green. Footprints from boots are all over the sandy writing. The waves crash like a bat hitting a baseball. When I pick up sand the grains grind together like they are mixing. Fish splashing in the water after they jump. The salt water gets in my nose and burns. Sand being thrown in the air. Coconut sunscreen gets smeared on my skin. Sand is flying through the air and dries my mouth with it. The sunscreen sprays into my mouth because of the raging winds. The grains of sand are hard and dried together. Ice cubes turn my hands numb when I reach Into the cooler. The cool sea water runs down my legs as I stand

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