Personal Narrative: My Determination

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I am the kind of person that likes to be challenged and is determined. Ever since I was a kid, I was eager to learn new things. Although I was always like this, my determination and desire to be challenged grew stronger. I taught myself how to play guitar and piano, and even though it’s still a working progress, that is how it is with everything. It was a challenge but I was determined to learn and keep going. My determination is useful in that I am able to accomplish anything I set my mind to and that I refuse give up. During first semester I wouldn’t have much time to do my schoolwork since my grandpa was ill and my parents and I were there every step of the day. Since I am very determined, I wouldn’t let myself go to sleep without completing the assignments. However, I had trouble remembering the content since I didn’t dedicate too much time to it. …show more content…

Even though I’d be at home, I didn’t have a place to do my schoolwork where it’s quiet. I now share a small bedroom with my grandma and the living room is constantly being occupied by my parents (include new uncle?). The television is usually on very loudly while my sister is constantly asking me to play with her. My room was the only option. However, my grandma would spend her time there and would sleep early so I couldn’t turn on the lights. I had to wait until later in the night to do my homework on the counter. Around ten at night, I would still have to do my homework. I also got used to working in the loud and distracting environment and learned that my determination to succeed was going to help me manage not having a space to myself. My uncle now lives with us as well so I don 't really have a designated spot to do my work other than at the library. I am a good investment because my determination to succeed has been seen throughout highschool and I will carry on to