Personal Narrative: My Field Experience

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My field experience consisted of attending 3 Newton’s high school volleyball practices and the end of the season playoffs. Upon arrival I was greeted by old friends that are a part of the program. The coaches were not there yet so it was the girls and captains responsibility to set up nets and begin practice. The girls socialized for majority of the time and waited last minute to put up the nets. Once nets were up they would began to stretch and warm up then begin practice without the coaches. Again, the girls were more concerned with socializing. Some girls were warming up, some were in the hall socializing with football players, and some were still in the locker room getting dressed. As a whole the girls did not look like a team and they did not look like they were serious about being a part of this volleyball team. Since, I have an unconditional love for volleyball I took it upon myself to gather all the teams and have them warm up as a team.
By the time they began drills, the varsity coach was rolling in to practice. A few minutes later the junior varsity coach would join us. We greeted each other, socialized a little about the girls, then she gave me “the okay” to coach the junior varsity team. The junior varsity girls insisted that I help them in practice, so I began with a pep talk to motivate and prepare them for …show more content…

Though it is often tempting to cut this time short in order to practice additional drills, coaches should never skimp on cool down and stretching. To do so encourages athletes to develop bad habits and puts them at risk for injury and increased soreness. Furthermore, there will be times when a coach needs to change or cancel a practice. To be prepared, they should designate alternate locations for practices in case of bad weather, utility issues, or other unforeseen circumstances. This location should be communicated with parents and guardians at the beginning of the