
Personal Narrative: My First Day At The Century Middle School

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Imagine this, a little girl coming up to you trying to talk, but she can't get more than one syllable out. That is how I was for a lot of my life. I had a very bad stuttering issue. Now, I am a very talkative person, but when I was little I was so nervous to stutter, that I would avoid talking to people at all costs. I would only stutter when I was talking to a group, but with my friends I talked with no issue. Soon my mom and dad realized it was becoming more of a problem so they took me to have a talk with my school speech therapist. Her name was Mrs.Rigial. She had long black wavy hair and green eyes, she was at least in her 40’s and she talked with a smooth voice. She recommended that I meet with her every week to work out ways to help …show more content…

Its awful.

I’m so excited!! Today is my first day of MIddle School, at the Century Middle School. I have been waiting all summer for this day. HA not really. I mean, sure i'm excited about going to school, but I’d much rather still be sitting on the beach in San Diego tanning. What are you gonna do though? This year I am in the Extreme Core and guess what I’m in honors math. Who would have thought that would happen? As usual, my mom gave that whole stuttering speech. “Don’t let anyone pick on you if they do tell me and I’ll deal with it” .
I’m honestly not worried about it at all. I haven’t stuttered all summer, so I’m fine.
The bell rang and I walked into the building.

I am so nervous! This morning I drove Adriana to school for her first day, and while she was talking, she skipped and stuttered just a little. I tried to bring it up with her, but her only response was “Mom it’s fine it is just a little pre school jitters.”
Maybe you think I’m making too huge a deal about this but I am a very overprotective parent and I just want her not to have any problems. Well I guess I’ll get a report from her when she gets …show more content…

I saw Arianna running toward me with her long brown hair flowing behind her. “DRANA!!” she yelled. (BTW that’s my nickname). I was so thrilled to see a familiar face. I found out she was in my 1st hour class so we walked to class together. We talked about how each other's summer was and of course it was only a couple minutes before she asked me the question. “How is your stuttering doing?” I wasn’t surprised that she asked I mean she was my best friend. “Fine” I said. after that she let that topic drop. We got to class and I was instantly nervous. We sat down with each other and class started. Our teacher’s name was Mr.Overboe. He was cool. As he took attendance I started shaking. Soon he got to my name I started saying here, but of course I couldn’t talk. I tried to remember my skills, but they weren’t working. Eventually Arianna just told

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