Personal Narrative: My First Score

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My first score is use first sequence:30. This is defiantly me, I am always asking a million questions. I would always ask for detailed directions or examples. It even got to the point to where they had to read to me. when it came to quizzes, they would give me multiple choices. All through high school I had to have a tutor. I always had to read 3 times or more. When it came to studying I always had to write notes. When I took my Ged I had a tutor, he would get frustrated because I wouldn't understand some of my work. He would sometime have to explain in different way's about the directions. With me having A.D.H.D it is kind of hard to understand task an defiantly hard living with it. In the past an sometimes now I avoid reading thing cause its hard for me to understand. It sometime is so hard I want to give up. I get frustrated easy. …show more content…

I can completely agree with this score. I do not use my time wisely. I end up doing ten things at once. For instance when it comes to cleaning or my homework, I will be in the kitchen washing dishes then I end up in the bathroom sweeping an moping. Once I realize it I am putting clothes in the washer. I always have to make sure everything is very clean an in place. If it is not I have to redo the cleaning. I believe. I am OCD as well as I am living with my A.D.H.D an dealing with both is frustrating as well hard to live with it. I keep pushing everyday an I