
Personal Narrative: My Goals In My Writing

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I'm focusing on writing this letter, because I would like to tell you my goals I have for this year. These goals will help me notice the steps I need to take in order to be a improved writer, reader, and person than last year. I've noticed strengths, but as well weaknesses in English, and I also would like to set a goal for myself. First of all, I noticed that I've been reading, but I'm not reading as much I would want to. I could read more and strive to at least cram in 20 minutes everyday. In order to reach this goal, I should be open to other books. I’m usually picky about the books I wish to read; however, this is limiting what I can read. I'll try to venture out to different genres to read new books. I would have extra vocabulary words …show more content…

Increasing the amount of vocabulary words I have in my writing and limiting my grammatical errors would benefit my writing, massively. Increasing my vocabulary can tie into reading 20 minutes a day. If I still can’t think of an exceptional word to replace a dull noun, verb, or adjective, I’ll use the dictionary and thesaurus to my advantage whenever I can. In order to limit or eliminate my grammatical errors on my paper, I suppose I should examine my paragraphs over further than 2 times. The first time I go over it, I should keep keen for simple grammar errors as in forgotten words or wrong spelling. The second time I inspect my writing, I will pay attention for any punctuation mistakes. The final time I reread my writing, I will replace any dull words and spice up my punctuation once in a while. Changing my sentence structure would do a lot, …show more content…

Setting goals can be healthy for you, and enjoyful at the same time; these goals should be challenging for me. One personal goal I’ve been looking up to would be to put up a picture of a memorable moment that impressed me, on my wall. The picture could be from my phone, or a scenery I’ve just enjoyed gazing at. This way, for my whole year, I can have a goal I can glance up to every single day. Near the end of the year, I’ll have a wall full of pictures that I can appreciate, and I’ll be prepared for what I can put in a scrapbook to review back on. I’m almost near to going to high school. It would be a perfect time to print out and develop some photos as I proceed through my last few months of middle school, and graduate to my first few months of high school. I’m setting this goal up mostly for entertainment; while on the other hand, I can occupy myself when I have time. It would be admirable to feel the accomplishment of having all my favorite photos up on my wall at New Years. If the year is over, I can take each photo down one by one, viewing at each one carefully while taking it down, and maybe put it in a

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