I worked with my school nurse, Brenda this week; she was wonderful. I was able to find my student for the IHP and have their mother sign the permission slip; therefore, I was able to start interviewing my student. My student is a very sweet; 12-year-old Type 1 Diabetic. During the interview, I looked at my student holistically; by thinking about who she is as a whole and why she may behave in certain ways. I also thought about ways I can promote, maintain, and restore health for this student. From the interview, the word of the nurse, and my student’s mother; I gathered that my student is compliant with her insulin and carb counting. This 12-year-old girl knows a lot about Diabetes. However, the nurse addressed the concerns of nutrition, exercise, and the student’s mood swings. …show more content…
As well as, asking her how she feels about having Diabetes. Depending on her response, I am going to have interventions for assisting her with nutrition, exercise, and/or some form of counseling to help her have ways of coping with Diabetes. I know that this student and I are going to have a great therapeutic relationship; as we already get a long great. Not only am I going to be able to assists this student; I believe she will teach me many things about